Sunday, February 26, 2012

Could some please help me change my life for the positive??? Please read and help if you can. Thanks?

I am enrolled in university of Phoenix for psychology. I basically did this so I could stay at home and earn a degree. I did this because I thought it would help with my future, but I am seriously second guessing it. I have been slacking and I had a mid term exam today and I didn't know a single thing on it. I just didn't do it. I am debating dropping out because I don't even know if it will be worth anything in the end. I have been so depressed lately. All I do is play video games. I live at home still and my girlfriend lives with me. I do other things besides play xbox, but I seem to be an extremist. So I play alot of xbox. I don't drive. I have never drove. I am 21. I am a floor supervisor at mcdonalds and my girlfriend is a manager there. I drink all the time. I am losing most of friends because I don't really party like I used to. I sit at home and drink instead of going to the bar. I feel extremely unheAlthy most days because I don't exercise. I am over weight and I drink alot of beer. I have been so depressed lately and nothing seems to be fun any more. I spend most of my very small paychecks on video games and beer. I only work 2 - 4 days a week. I am kind of social some days but I do not do well with public speaking. I want a new job but I don't know what to try for. I want to work for a counseling job. Teens or drug abuse, but i don't know about that anymore because I seem to have no interest in the psychology course I am in. Half of me thinks it is the depression and the constant videogames. I don't even know why I am posting this really... I just need some advice. My mom and girlfriend do not know what to tell me. I have a really nice life but I seem to be depressed all the time. Could someone give me some advice on how to change my life for the positive please? Should I continue with the online school? Would it land me a counseling job? Or would employers laugh at my online degree? Should I persue a career in technology or writing? I enjoy both of those too. Please give me some advice on my lifestlye or my career plans or both. Your time would be greatly appreciated. ThanksCould some please help me change my life for the positive??? Please read and help if you can. Thanks?
You need to break the video game habit by replacing some of the play time with exercise. Cut back the beer or just stop drinking for a few weeks and challenge yourself to go healthy. Eat lots of vegetables, lean meats (unless you're vegetarian) and fruit for snacks and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Start your day with a bowl of cereal.Eating healthy and drinking water. will give your liver a break and repair it to it's former glory and you will have loads of energy.

You need to look after your health before you can expect your brain to function properly for you to study and stuff. Get off your butt and get moving and you will feel great in no time. The first few days are the hardest but then your body will thank you by giving you heaps of energy and you will also look better and think clearly, Give yourself a chance. You are stuck in a miserable hole and in order to get out you need to do the work so get to it you can do it.Could some please help me change my life for the positive??? Please read and help if you can. Thanks?
If you can't get your money back, you might want to finish the semester, but you should probably try to attend a community college after that. The University of Phoenix is a for-profit school and it is best to avoid such schools.

I think that you need to see a counselor. The beer and the video games are making you more depressed. You should be able to meet with a counselor at your community college even if you are not currently a student there. He/she should be able to help you explore some possible careers. He/she should also be able to refer you to a counselor who could help you with your depression.Could some please help me change my life for the positive??? Please read and help if you can. Thanks?
Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.

You sound as if you are wasteing your time currently pretending to take college level course. You do recognize that you spend way to much time and money on the idiot boxes. It's animation, not real life. You are making some folks filthy rich staying hooked on their gear. Stand up un plug it for a while, then when you absolutely run out of something to do for yourself, play a little on it. That stuff is ruining the younger generations.

If you are patriotic go see a recruiter, the military may have a need for your dedication to a computer monitor. They can help advance your education. Go see the world for a while.

Don't be a whiner, get up and do something about it. I am and I would trade places with you if we could. I can't do near the things I did when I was your age, and that bothers me. I was a Corpsman during the Viet Nam war, I made a difference.

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