Monday, February 20, 2012

McDonald's added 50000 job! Hooray!! Whose politicians kids will be working in any of those jobs?

Do politicians knows the difference beteween a job and a career? Why should we be happy about jobs created for kids which both kids and adults fight over? is that advancement?

This is not to blame Obama. I am a Dem. However, Clinton passed NAFTA. which sent jobs overseas and careers. What do we do to recover?McDonald's added 50000 job! Hooray!! Whose politicians kids will be working in any of those jobs?
To answer the title question, of course no politician's kid is going to work at McDs.

Congress doesn't seem to have a clue what they're doing anymore. Their first (and perhaps main) priority is voting themselves a raise every year. Do you realize how many weeks of vacation Congressmembers get each year ?? A LOT.

I think that to recover, harsh as it may sound, we need to severely cut back on spending millions in aid to foreign nations (some of whom hate our guts and would like to kill us). OUR nation should be the focus for now.

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