Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lacking direction/motivation? ?

Ok, really long, but...

I've always been really inspired by movies about sucess stories, like the pursuit of happyness, where people work really hard and become a sucess.

I'm only a junior in high school, but my whole life I've worked as hard as I can for that. I'm a really smart kid and ive always gotten straight As, and it's usually pretty easy for me. I work really hard to do all the work, but I find it all really easy and pointless. I also tutor eveyday after school an work at McDonalds (which I absolutley hate) to save up for college so I can be successful in life and what not.

The thing is, I feel Like i'm in a rut because I don't know what I want to do. I hate the whole school thing because I feel like I'm not learning anything and nothing of value, I honestly don't want to go to college even though I'm really smart. But none of the collge degree white collar jobs seem appealing to me AT ALL. I really don't want to live in suburbia the rest of my life doing something I'm not passionate about. That's what I'm doing right now. I'm not opposed to hard work, I just want to be doing something I'm passionate about in life. I have no idea what I want in life or what to do

In all those movies about sucess, the person is always working hard because they have something to motivte them, like they are extremely poor, or want a better life for their kids, or want a career doing something they are so passionate about

What career should I go into? Should I even go to college? I don't know what I want because I have absolutely no direction in my life. I don't know if I should continue my job since I don't even really HAVE to work, I hate it but I've always just felt it's important to be working if you can and to try your hardest, I just don't know what to do right nowLacking direction/motivation? ?
So many people feel like this, and it is seems such a waste. I didn't know what I wanted to do, and nothing much interested me before I went into college either. But there I found a subject I liked and a different world.

Part of it, I am sure, is that when you are young and in school you are expected to just be passive and soak up what is given to you. That is your job, to learn, like a sponge. Not to create, not to decide, not to analyze and evaluate or build a life. It is a deadening experience for people who are coming into maturity with developing talents and skills and ambitions and can't find a use for them. You should know that you are in probably the most difficult period of your life now.

College might transform your life as it did for me. I can't emphasize enough to go to a really good university that is respected for its academics. The learning atmosphere is very much different than in high school and I was amazed by it. You might find a subject that inspires you. I had little interest in most of the courses but when I took geology a light came on for me and I found it fascinating. When you can submerse yourself in a subject it provides a new world for you. Take courses in a wide variety of areas, search for something that captures you.

Or maybe you are not really an academic at heart and won't find interest there. There is no certain path in life for everyone to follow. Think about such things as being an EMT or a translator or working with animals in some way. Or what would it be like to start a business and work to make it grow. This might be too much for you right now, but there are lots of ways to live, and you need to keep your eyes open, look for things that interest you, and be willing to explore and take some chances.

Good luck, my friend.Lacking direction/motivation? ?
Go to college. Whatever you do, go.

Although your major- That's really hard to say, considering none of us know anything about you.

If you don't have any passions, I would just go for something that's in high-demand.Lacking direction/motivation? ?
If you have a community college around your area, I'd advise you to go to one. If you don't have a community college near you, come to California by yourself and financial aid your way through two years. Community college in California is like $26 per unit as opposed to $500 per unit. Explore your options by taking a bunch of eclectic classes, and find a nice place to live and be an adult. I think that's a pretty awesome option.

I'm offering you a specific prescription because I think you shouldn't waste thousands of dollars on a gamble in a university. Plus, Southern California is paradise with really great transfer options like UCLA. Dang! I sound like a brochure.

Or you can join the army, which will totally pay for your education. I don't really know what else to tell you.

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