Monday, February 6, 2012

I verbally bully my co workers?

Her hair is so frizzy I actually said "go get your hair down but, since your over 40 and still working at McDonalds as a career choice I doubt you could even afford it." She felt offended and I could understand that and I tried to apologize but she felt hurt and I could see tears in her eyes. For the first time in my life I felt bad for someone I bullied, Yes I verbally bully her LOL. Should I stop verbally bullying her? I'm scared to backtalk a guy.I verbally bully my co workers?
Yes, Jamal, you should not bully anyone. Bullying is a cowards way of coping with cowardice. (I thought you above that!) If you want honesty, I can give you that, so anytime ya need a friend to talk to, you have my email address! Now, stop being a pissant and be the sweet guy I know you to be!I verbally bully my co workers?
Thanks for the BA! Anytime you want to email me, you know the address, if not ask and I will send it again.


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Ermm; "should i stop" ? .. YES.


What right do yu have anyways telling people HOW they should style their hair.




its 2009 for God's sake !!


HAPPY NEW YEAR. XI verbally bully my co workers?
Thats funny. Don't feel bad. She should get her hair down.
Why do you even say such a thing?? What are you hoping to achieve?? Did you want her to talk back? Are you looking for a fight?

And what the heck is with the "LOL"??? You think this is funny? If a jerkoff like you said that to me I would rip your balls out and feed it down your throat.

Now fck off and bully someone your own size!I verbally bully my co workers?
That's not cool, Jamal.

If you wouldn't tell that to a guy, then you shouldn't tell that to a woman. What you doing there at MD's then?

I hate it when people insult me that way (or similar snipes) at work. Makes me wish they'd say it around a supervisor. They don't have the cajones. :D
APOLOGIZE and check into giving her a raise
u need to be smacked and what right do u have making fun of her and saying things to her because guess what low life u work at MacDonalds too flipping those burgers.... get a ******* life.... one day ur going to say **** to the wrong girl and she is going to punch you,,, u only pick on girls because u dont feel man enough to say it to a guy because they would knock u on ur *** and more....... grow the **** up.....
You are the one with the problem,not the one you are bullying.Your attitude,lack of self respect and respect for your colleagues.You should not have been employed in the first place.Sort yourself out.
It sounds like you already know the answer to that question. If you want respect, making fun of people isn't the way to get it. People just won't want to be around you. Try being nice to people. You'll be more appreciated.
Burger boy ^_^

You got no future!!!


I am sorry if that offended you, i am just trying to prove my following point.

It's not nice for her. You hurt her inside because of one sentence. It's not the right way to behave, it's also against your code of conduct.

As for what you said, you could be eassily be sacked. It would even effect your future jobs and eh getting sacked from McDonalds joking apart isnt a reference you want!!!

Change now, and you will get somewhere in life...

Regardless of eduction and the job you have...

Being liked by those around you, is in my oppion the eassiest way of being successful, just think about it.
buy her flowers, chocolates and say "Im sorry i was such a D**k head an im sorry"

are u the boss?

give her a pay rise Lol should work
No wonder you still work at MD'S shut you mouth and keep it to yourself.Apologize and then jump off a bridge.
oh look another stupid post from you about bullying womenif your nto going on about leaving your pregnant gf your spouting crap about bullying colleagues you are a sad thug and you need help if you are even real
Is this at the accounting office or the lawyers?

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