Is it a good career to work towards??
Is it worth it?
Good money?
Is film school hard??
Best place to live to work towards this career
those or some general questions that i would like to know they don't really matter because i love filming and film making so im going to do it regardless.
Positive answers only please thank you.
I don't want to here that you'll be working at Mcdonalds if you follow this career just looking on Craigslist now there and plenty of high paying jobs that a film school graduate would more then qualify for.Is film school a good idea?
Film School is not a good idea. Film School graduates rarely make substantial careers in the Film Industry. There are so many unemployed film graduates in Hollywood, they can be seen along Sunset Boulevard at dusk, amusing tourists by scurrying among dumpsters looking for half-eaten burritos.
You asked about McDonald's, so I'll be positive:
As a Film School graduate, you may not have to flip burgers!
Film School graduates will be eligible for working Birthday Parties as Ronald McDonald, in clown suit and red rubber nose. You'll be making and selling videos for parents of their darlings at Birthday Parties. Film School grads get bigger tips if they let children honk their red rubber nose.
Study something serious if you don't want to become an adult parasite.Is film school a good idea?
Probably about as good an idea as acting school - or art school. When it comes to jobs in the arts, talent and ideas are what count. You won't automatically get a great job just because you have a degree - in any field. You need to have the right contacts [especially in the arts], which you may or may not be able to make in college - best to get to know some profs pretty well. Talent will out - but it can take many, many years.
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