Thursday, February 16, 2012

National American Miss Pageant; Please Read My Activities and Interests and Critique It!!! Please!!!?

I like being involved in school and communtity activities, especially when it is for a good cause and when I get to make a difference. My school activities include being the Junior class president of student council, mainly because I want to represent my class as a whole. I am also a peer helper in my school. This is something I really love because I can connect with my peers and help them through their situations, because I have been through many myself. I am also a teen spirit advisor for the Missouri Department of Transportation. I attended my first teen spirit conference last year. There, I learned leadership skills, met members of MADD, and I learned to promote important issues like

seatbelt safety in my school. I was also a part of the "Arrive Alive, Buckle" campaign. Another thing I love to do is be in Drama productions in my school. My first big role was in the student directed one-acts, a show for students who haven't had much expirience with acting. We did a skit from Visitors From Forest Hills. I was so nervous at the begining, but when the curtain opened, I didn't even feel like myself, but a whole new charecter. Ever since then, I've been addicted to acting. I hope to be inducted in my schools' thespian society next year. I am also a memer of my schools math team. I love going to math competions and improving my math skills. It has to be one of my favorite subjects in school. I also like to try my knowledge at Scholar Quiz. Its really fun, but difficult because I can never manage to think of the answer quickly in order to hit the buzzard before the other person. One of my interest also includes reading and writing. I always keep a journal with me and I write in it throughout the day. My friends always tease me about it. I also love reading books that take me into a new place, mainly books by J.R.R Tolkien. I hope to persue a career in journalism one day. One community event I participate in is Relay for Life. I have helped organize four events, and in that time, I met so many people and heard their survivor stories. This inspired me to raise money on my own for the National Children's Cancer Society. I am also a volunteer at the St. Joesphs Hospital and the Ronald Mcdonald House in St. Louis. I love challanging myself in school and I try to get the most of my education. All three of my core classes are in honors and I am in the top 10 percent of my class.National American Miss Pageant; Please Read My Activities and Interests and Critique It!!! Please!!!?
I'm doing the new york preteen paegant. It isnt gloatiung and bragging. It's just right this could help you win because it shows you are well rounded. With your self and your community and school. Go on the paegant forum:鈥?/a>

My username is: Geena11National American Miss Pageant; Please Read My Activities and Interests and Critique It!!! Please!!!?
Are you trying to register for National American Miss? If you are, they want something that's not super long, but a summary of what you are interested in, and what awards or honors that you have been presented with. You shouldn't go into deep detail about everything you list. Just a short summary will do the trick. I hope this helps. Good Luck!National American Miss Pageant; Please Read My Activities and Interests and Critique It!!! Please!!!?
Bragging about your classes and grades does NOT qualify as "activities and interests".National American Miss Pageant; Please Read My Activities and Interests and Critique It!!! Please!!!?
Sounds pretty good to me, with the exception of some slight spelling and grammar errors. Sounds like you keep yourself busy and it is an impressive list. Keep up the good work!
Yah, this is actually alot of gloating and bragging, complimented with lots of lying. All we need in this world is another lying, cheating, Barbie *****.

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