Thursday, February 9, 2012

What college major should I pursue in order to start a career as an assistant manager at McDonald's?

The McDonald's receipts at my local restaurant has some stuff written on the top saying that they encourage people to apply for jobs online and start an exciting career. They also mention that they offer competitive pay so I am very interested, plus McDonald's is my favorite place to eat and I look forward to the employee discount benefits.

I don't have a lot of experience in management so an assistant manager position would be a good entry lever position for me.

I'm a senior Mass Communication student with a focus on PR but I'm willing switch majors if necessary to land my dream job. Maybe business management would work?What college major should I pursue in order to start a career as an assistant manager at McDonald's?
You should switch to Philosophy or English Lit. You can also wait tables with those degrees.What college major should I pursue in order to start a career as an assistant manager at McDonald's?
The great thing about McDonald's is that you can be an assistant manager while you're in college. And you'll find that as a regular employee, your food is 50% when you're working!!! How great is that?!? Well, not as good as it is for assistant managers who EAT FREE.

So get started by applying and working there as a regular employee, learn your craft by learning as much as you can on your breaks, and working your way up. They won't hire you as an assistant directly, because assistant managers have to be able to fill in for anyone.

Hope that works out for you!
I think a major in food services and economics would be good. However, like the others that have said, you don't need a major to pursue a career at mcdonalds. all you gotta do is just go straight to mcdonalds, show how much of a hard worker you are, and you'll probably become assistant manager.What college major should I pursue in order to start a career as an assistant manager at McDonald's?
Art Degree! I'm pretty sure it's the chosen major for McDonald's workers, gas station cashiers, and homeless street people.

I love McDonalds - I would never get a job there because I would get fat. Believe it or not but when I am really sick, McDonald's fries make me feel all better. I don't know why... but I have to have McDonald's fries when I'm sick and they have never failed me.
If you are a senior then why risk changing your major almost the finish line? I assume you would like to stay in school if you change to business management, which is probably the best major to become a manager, because you will have to take a whole new set of classes.What college major should I pursue in order to start a career as an assistant manager at McDonald's?
You're joking right?!

You're working on a degree in Communications and you want to work at McD's?! Why not work for McDonalds in their PR department?

Or, just get a good paying PR job and buy a crap load of McDonald's!

With a good job in Mass Communications you could buy Mickey D's for breakfast, lunch and dinner and STILL be able to afford rent!
LOL! McDonald's does not require you to have a college degree to join their management team. They have their own management training program and will teach you all you need to know to be successful in the exciting Food and Beverage industry! If you're willing to work hard and... excuse me... fries are up...
don't work at mcdonald's if you have a college degree in buisness. at mcdonald's you'll probably make $24000/yr tops as asst. mang. even with degree but if you go work for a major corp office hq like for mcdonalds at their hq you could be making upwards of $70k-$100k+/yr.
Start at the bottom and work your way up. Become manager/assistant manager. Get a couple of years experience, then leave for something much much better.

Your degree is fine, in fact aim high. Why McDonald's? Why?! You could also look at shops you know.
Not to down mcdonalds, but if your in college, it sounds like your already qualified. But I guess a buissness major would help to land a managing position.
what major?


not exactly sure,

perhaps a major in 'serving tortured and genetically deformed animals to an obese society
Business Management, but I doubt you even have to go to college to work at McDonald's. Good Luck Anyway! :)
At a minimum, I would reccommend an MBA from a university such as UCLA or USC.
Business management.

Im not sure why your dream job would be at McDonald's, though!
perhaps try majoring in fashion merchindising?
you should major in graduating high school and i think you have the job.
You don't need to go to college for Mickey D's. Half the people can't even speak english.

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