Monday, February 13, 2012

Is it worth the burden of $100K in student loan debt to go to college?

Students are borrowing extraordinary amounts of money through federal loan programs,

putting a huge burden on the backs of young people looking for jobs and trying to start careers.

Student loans taken out last year crossed the $100 billion mark for the first time and total loans

will exceed $1 trillion for the first time this year. Americans now owe more on student loans

than on credit cards, reports the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

So what happens when you graduate with $200K in student loans

and you can't even get a job flipping burgers at McDonalds?

Do European countries charge their students to attend college?

I think a college education is free in Europe, but not in the good-old USA.

Is it unAmerican to say their system might be better? They say petrol in Europe

costs up to $8 a gallon, but they get free health care and they get free education.

We could have a system like that, but the GOP says "that's socialism."

And we'd all rather be broke, in debt or dead than commit "socialism."Is it worth the burden of $100K in student loan debt to go to college?
I read that article, and many like it, and I should just print out a stack of them, and hand it to every blathering right wing douche who starts on a tirade about how the reason people cant find a decent job is that they have no skills.

Fact is, many people have sacrificed years of life in time and future lost income on getting "training", just to find out that.....gee just because you train a carpenter, doesnt mean the economy demands a carpenter.Is it worth the burden of $100K in student loan debt to go to college?
Not ONE DIME of federal dollars should go into a 'student loan guarantee'. All this does: is allows colleges to raise tuition, banks to hand out loans like candy, and enable an 18 year old to get a degree in 'Humanities' that surely will lead to a $40,000 a year plus job. College WAS affordable to someone even working a minimum wage job before the 1980's. What happened ??

*** government intervention ***Is it worth the burden of $100K in student loan debt to go to college?
Colleges are the problem in this case. The cost of education has gone up by 900% in the past 30 years. I went to Penn State in 1965. Tuition, room and board was $1325 per year. Government guaranteed loans made it too easy for colleges to raise tuition.

Go to a community college and live at home. You will survive.Is it worth the burden of $100K in student loan debt to go to college?
Education should be "Free" in America!
If you study for a job that pays $100k/yr or more.

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