Monday, February 13, 2012

What to do? (for college)?

I am a failure at pretty much everything. Science, Math, English, History, Life, you name it I suck at it. I have a GPA of 2.4. I probably won't be able to get into any good college so for now I am just thinging of going to the local Junior College near me (no not you). I like animals well enough and have been looking for possible careers to go into animal science, I also would like to maybe develop military armor or something, computer repair (probably most likely the geek squad is a bunch of fail high school students) or an environmentalist type of person. I have gotten good scores on IQ tests 120 or something but thats about all I get good scores on. Is there any hope or should I just go get a job app for McDonalds or Jack in the Box?

I'm 16What to do? (for college)?

do you want to know something?

You can be anything you want to be in life - If you put the time and energy into it

there was a student who told his teacher that the reason for why x-ray what leaving different pattern on the film for different substances was due to fact that x-ray where at the right wavelength to see the atoms of different substance and where being deflected from a straight line path by the inaction of it - Guess what the teacher said? That was the most idiotic thing he ever had heard and threw the manuscript in the trash barrel. the Student got the manuscript and found a leading scientist doing work on the subject and he was amazed to think that the explanation was so simple he turn it in the Nobel science institute and the student got the Nobel prize for , that same teacher work at his same job and died there.

Look at Orson Wells

His mother wanted him to be a store clerk but he like to write books instead . so he ignore his mother and wrote books . Some of his greatest work was the "The Time machine", "War of the Worlds" . In fact one the books inspired a Physicist. to come up with a novel way to release the atomic energy of the atom, { the chain reaction} and to warn Einstein to write to President Franklin Roosevelt that if the Hilter got the bomb. The world would never be safe. which started the american Atomic bomb research.What to do? (for college)?
i had a 2.5 my junior year and i got it to a 2.9 my senior year, now im goin to CSULB, i just took some more challenging classes

i would talk to a career advisor at your school, that's what im doing next year cuz i have nooo clue what i want to do, i suck at all subjects also :/What to do? (for college)?
Stay in school. At community college take some career aptitude assessment tests in the counseling office. With a 120 IQ you have the potential to earn a bachelor's degree and perhaps end up owning several fast food franchises if you major in business.What to do? (for college)?
How did you get a 2.4 in homeskooled. I got a 4.0! does your mom hate you? maybe you should be more nice to her. Maybe try to go to university of florida like tim tibow! my other idea is to start a mcdonalds buffet that is all yo can eat.dont steal my idea pleaze!@
well assuming you still have 2 years of high school left, you still have time to raise your gpa, so go for it. or you can always go to a community college your first year

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