Monday, February 13, 2012

Isn't fighting against rights of workers in public service morose?

If we force the competent ones to switch careers by reducing their salaries and benefits, than we will make sure to get the really incompetent to work as teachers, policemen and firefighters. Where is the sense in that?

And to preempt trolling arguments: the average pay in the private sector for equal education level is better. If you throw in all the people working at gas stations and McDonalds, government jobs pay better, but only because they require higher skills.Isn't fighting against rights of workers in public service morose?
Some people just seem so mean-spirited to be honest. If "their" taxes are benefiting anyone, they have a problem with it. Of course in a situation like this one, they seem overjoyed that working people are taking cuts and losing rights, while the big corporations get tax breaks.Isn't fighting against rights of workers in public service morose?
Yes it is. But that is not what is happening in this specific case. They are trying to bring those benefits in line with the private sector who has to compete on a level playing field for them. In the real world not matter how good you are you only get paid what the market will bear.
And if we allow a president and congress to shove a costly "health care" bill down our throats, our dollar sinks just as well. This whole country needs to cut expenses for real, not just eloquent little speeches from the administration. My state is following suit by the way. No one's job benefits have ever remained the same, this is purely political on the part of the unions.Isn't fighting against rights of workers in public service morose?
Make no mistake about it, this whole episode is about shifting the costs of tax cuts onto the working class.Is it any wonder that Koch's group "Americans for prosperity" is busing in its astro turf tea partiers?
If you pay them benefits far in excess of private companies dont you allow for unions to feed off the trough of tax payers while small businesses suffer?Isn't fighting against rights of workers in public service morose?
No. They're not "rights", just concessions won by them from politicians seeking reelection.
That's already the case. What's worse is, because of unions, we can't fire these incompetent employees.
define incompetent teacher

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