Monday, February 13, 2012

What can i do with my life?

Well i'm 17...and i got my AS results back last week..and i didn't do so well... I got; A in Psychology, C in Sociology, D in chemistry and D in biology... My parents aren't happy (because they are the stereotypical asian parents which believe if i haven't got A's i have failed) and they want me to leave college and find a job.. At GCSE i got 6A, 3B and 1C... I was just wondering what possible careers could i possibly go for? What is the best i can achieve in life? And one say, work in Asda or Mcdonalds etc. because i hear it all the time from my parents..(yes i know they aren't nice)What can i do with my life?
Hello, :)

First of all, ignore your parents.. haha.. they aren't very helpful. You're obviously good at Psychology, so some good jobs include: Counseling, Clinical Psychologists, School Psychologists, Industrial-Organizational Psychologists, Developmental Psychologists, Social Psychologists, Research/Experimental Psychologists... and many more. Those jobs probably don't make sense, But I will give you a web site in the source's box and it will explain them all. If you don't think Psychology is for you, then start a year of college taking the required classes and see what fits you best.. there are a lot of helpful people at the college that will help you choose your career path. I assure you that you will know eventually what you want to do.. you don't really need to know what you're going to do until the second year of college.

Hope this helped!

-Haylee.What can i do with my life?
Don't go after a career because you think it will be fitting to your grades. Find a career that you really want to have and do whatever it takes to achieve it.What can i do with my life?
therapist mayb?
  • kasich
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