Monday, February 13, 2012

Charged with stalking, what can I do with my future?

I was charged with 2 counts of midemeanor stalking a year ago. In a nutshell I was in a car accident, had a bad concusion and got hooked on the 4 types of pain pills my doctor gave me and I had a breakdown. My ultimate goal was to get a police officer to kill me. Yes I know it sounds insane, I was charged with stalking, pled guilty because I did it even though I don't remember most of it, and I was convicted. Now I'm trying to put my life back on track and I want to go back to college but I don't know what to major in because I am sure this conviction with barr me from certain fields. For example I was looking into being a dental hygenist but with my misdemeanor I can't be licensed. Are there any careers I can get with my record? My intrests are heathcare, law and pychology. I'm only 22 and don't want to work at Mcdonalds until I'm 70. Thanks for your imput.Charged with stalking, what can I do with my future?
stop stalkingCharged with stalking, what can I do with my future?
Check with a lawyer in your area because in most states you have a misdemeanor expunged after a certain number of years provided you have good behavior.

It would be like you never had it.Charged with stalking, what can I do with my future?
It's not good but you can deal with it. I'd check with a lawyer on the legalities of the conviction and employment. I'd also talk to some professionals in mental health to make sure that your settled. Then I'd do everything I could to put this behind me and move on. You made a mistake. We all do. But the wise ones amongst us face up to it and learn from it and do not let us be defined by it. Let it all go and move forward.

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