Monday, February 13, 2012

Did you know Obama has only served 143 days in the Senate? Is he qualified?

This zeroes in on the gut issue quickly! Are we all aboard the USS Ship of Fools? Makes me wonder!

The first time I read this quote, I thought it was dangerously true. Then

I really started pondering it and thought how would this apply to our own

lives/careers? Let's look at it again to see how absurd it is.

You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143

days of experience.

You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of

being a surgeon.

You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143

Days of experience.

You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after a 143 days of


You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor

after 143 days of experience.


'From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the

time he announced he was forming a Presiden tial exploratory committee, he

logged 143 days of experience in the Senate.

That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working.

After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be

Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of

Abraham Lincoln,FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan.

143 days?

We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143

days, that's all it is - a start.

AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public seems to feel

comfortable with this and campaigning for him.

We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are OK with this

for the President of the United States of America?

Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol.

Did you know Obama has only served 143 days in the Senate? Is he qualified?
No one brings this up, especially the liberal media. Obama could not get a job in the Pentagon as he couldn't pass a security clearance, but the American people are possibly going to vote him in to the highest office of the land. Unbelievable! This is because the newspapers; liberal media; and most of the congress; are in favor of voting in this lightweight, no nothing Manchurian Candidate. Incredible. They want a Messiah to save them; and he is selling a lie...the big lie..perpetrated by the socialists/liberals who back him and who want this country to go to Socialism....BHO gave it away when he talked to Joe the Plumber; and we finally learned what Obama's economic plan is for the American people. Joe the Plumber asked a simple question; if he bought a business he would be taxed...and BHO answered."Share the Wealth Around"..He gave his plan away...Now the American people know the truth. People followed Jim Jones; drank the Kool Aid..Most people are on Obama's bandwagon of CHANGE...What change? To Socialism/Marxism? Did many votors drink the Kool Aid? Remains to be seen. Just remember, that the Obama team do not take lightly to criticism, they will smear, and malign any person who makes a statement against BHO...this is the start of the liberal left/socialists shutting down descent..first talk radio; then internet blogs; and then suspension of the Constitution. Did you know Obama has only served 143 days in the Senate? Is he qualified?
Obama was sworn into office in January, 2005.

This has been the longest 143 day period in American history. In fact, this 143 days has lasted more than 3 years.
Colin Powell says he is good

and I doubt Colin Powell is voting on American Idol

:-)Did you know Obama has only served 143 days in the Senate? Is he qualified?
Yes, Obama is a US citizen and is over 36 years of age.

Obama has the better judgment then McCain

And Lincoln and JFK has just about the same time in.
To put that in perspective, Bush has taken 452 days of vacation at his Texas ranch.

Did you know Obama has only served 143 days in the Senate? Is he qualified?
If he's not, than McCain should be winning the debates. Colin Powell believes he is so that should have some merit.

A focus on experience is also a way to avoid talking about qualities such as leadership, intelligence, courage, fairness, judgment, temperament and integrity鈥攓ualities that truly matter in a leader.

Barack's experience has developed these qualities.

He has ten years experience in public office.

Barack's first eight years spent in the Illinois senate before his two years (and counting) of service in the U.S. Senate, should not be forgotten.

Far away from the Washington spotlight, he introduced, voted on and passed bills, debated with his colleagues鈥攕omething that was missing in Washington, where everything is settled in the backroom鈥攁nd arduously worked to satisfy his constituents.

Most important of all, he learned that how to work across the aisle, and get stuff done.鈥?/a>


Obama has TEN YEARS elected official experience, state and federal senates.
I agree, I believe it is a conspiracy. So, much has happened while this race has been going on. Some things are not what they seem. The fact that Obama came out of nowhere to be our Commander and Chief in the blink of an fishy to me. Barrack is dangerous....very dangerous.
I can't believe you guys believe what you read on internet, newspapers or media. Journalism is dead. Majority are not true, unless they show you where they got there sources! I'm from Decatur Illinois, I'm not fond of Obama at all. This guy didn't do anything in our state. You may see Chicago is well supported by obama, the rest of state is DEAD. They can't pass our state budget. Most of services that caters to the public were cancelled by democrats under obama and our governor. I have personal experience with obama, during the icestorm in central illinois over a year ago. Our place was devastated with ice storm that no one could get out of their homes. We don't have any electricity. The people who left their homes were ransacked and burglarized. I emailed obama and ask for help to SEND National guards. he didn't reply the only democrat repsentative who came right away and responded to me was Sen Dick Durbin. Obama is know where to be found. He ONLY RESPONDED to me when he announce that he is running for president. He and his wife are enjoying their warm home in chicago. The last debate of obama and McCain about education, Obama lied a lot! if he's confronted he played with words and twist it. The charter schools that obama said had been here for awhile and most of our public schools were demolished and place all our children in over crowded public schools that were remaining. John Mccain is not a perfect person either but one thing that convince me about him, his record of honesty since he serve as a senator for many years. Obama's home had illegal attachement sold by his real state friend and he is in prison today. Would you like to buy a home with illegality from federal or state authority? you will be the judge. The acorn is connected to Obama, Ayers and Mr wright. Obama is an expensive person, he had too may staffs working with him and this will cost us money. This guy is a lawyer, "speech and debate" is one of must learn by any lawyer to be able to sway and convince people to win the case. Springfield is our state capital, it is like a dead town, because chicago is well prefered by the elite obama. The rest of central to south seems like not a part of illinois at all. Why do you think Illinois Sen Dick Durbin endorses Hillary Clinton instead of Obama. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Wouldn't it be nice if time on the job and tickets punched translated neatly into superior performance? Then finding great Presidents would be a simple matter of weighing r茅sum茅s.

Go to:鈥?/a>

Oh, and Obama was sworn in as a senator on January 4, 2005.

As for voting for the next American idol, did you catch Palin on SNL?

(I didn't)
No, Terrorist / Traitor Barack Hussein Obama is not qualified to be a Senator let alone President.

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