Monday, February 13, 2012

How can I help my friend who is depressed?

My friend (also my crush) is 15 and he has low self-esteem. :( He thinks he's dumb and considers himself 'emo'. He had a tough childhood; he lost both his parents and now lives with his grandparents.

He works part-time to pay some rent and he's always too tired to do his homework and I'm scared that he'll fail school. He also works because he wants to send his girlfriend money; he says that she's the only person who makes him happy and his dream is to be with her. But, what happens if they ever break up? I don't want him to fall into a deeper depression.

He told me he'll be nobody when he's older. He said he'll probably work at McDonalds or become the garbage man. :|

I've told him that he's smart, that he should focus on school and aim higher when it comes to future careers. I also told him to visit his counselor but he refuses because he hates how they act around him, like they care about him.

How can I help him? Should I find a job and help him with a part of his rent? I really don't know what to do. :(How can I help my friend who is depressed?
Encourage him to reach out and develop a support network, maybe a local church and / or some type of volunteer program, etc. Seeing others who are worse off can help BIG time, too, so help him get involved in some type of volunteer effort where he is a leader, like a tutor.

Also, maybe ask about this giving of money to his girlfriend. Maybe it's necessary, but maybe there are other ways she can get her own funds so he can focus elsewhere, on his studies, for instance. And help go over his program of studies: maybe he's in the wrong classes, the wrong levels or could have better teachers.

It's great you are helping, by the way. You sound like a true friend :)How can I help my friend who is depressed?
Listen to him. That's all I can say. When I was going through the darkest times of my depression, I had NO ONE, nobody understood, I wish I had someone who cared about me the way you care about your friend.

He just needs someone to listen to him. Support him. Let him vent to you. Encourage him. Compliment him. Pretty much just be there whenever you can. Help him as much as you can.
Help him in any way you can, all help is appreciated.. and remind him that what you think of yourself is created by you.. so if you think you are going to be no one then you are because that is what you are allowing yourself to be..

Get him motivated to do something, a sport a hobby, and kind words are always good..How can I help my friend who is depressed?
15 Is wayy too young to have a job. Tell him to quit his job, go back to school and get a college degree THEN get a job.
give him sexHow can I help my friend who is depressed?
Just be there for him and talk to him
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